54 definitions by stockman09

Acronym for Tournament Tough, referring to someone who's mentally strong at what he does.
Peter: "You have a tough draw. You think you'll beat the first seed in the tennis tournament, brozay?"
Carl: "Of course. No one's TT like I am."
by stockman09 December 23, 2010
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Steve: "Yo, I have to drop a spike like you wouldn't believe."
Bill: "Well, thanks for sharing, but why tell me? Do I look like a bathroom attendant?"
by stockman09 November 5, 2007
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Real estate term referring to a house so dilapidated that even fixing it UP wouldn't make it attractive.
Amelia: "I'm sending you a listing of a fixer-upper. It needs a lot of work but the price is good and so is the location."
Bob (upon receiving the listing): "You've gotta be kidding me, Amelia. Looks more like a fixer-downer to me. Take another gander."
by stockman09 December 19, 2007
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Verb. The act of hugging someone and holding the hug, rather than hugging superficially, or hugging and patting the person a few times on the back.
Phil (after being hugged by Justin): "Wow Kevin, you must really miss me. That was some hug and hold."
Kevin: "I know I know...I haven't seen you in so long."
by stockman09 May 28, 2010
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adj. Describing something that is very straight or stiff, or someone standing that way.
Tennis instructor: "Evan, you have to bend your knees on that shot!"
Evan: "What, I'm not getting down low enough?"
Tennis instructor: "Low enough? You're as erect as a 5 a.m. penis."
by stockman09 November 19, 2010
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verb. An expression one jokingly says to a friend, referring to his habits of masturbation.
Steve: "Man, there's nothing going on tonight. I think I'm just gonna stay in."
Billy: "You gonna stay home, pop in a couple of porns and spank the clit?"
Steve: "Is there something wrong with that?!"
by stockman09 November 11, 2010
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To have submitted and been approved for publication by urbandictionary.com
Tom: "Yo shitface, I just thought of a great word for urbandictionary.com. -"broesy"
Bill: "Get fukkin' real. I urbandictionaried that weeks ago."
by stockman09 July 7, 2007
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