1 definition by startainfection

hipsters, usually some where between 16 and 24 years old, are in people in the process of breaking their ties with the ska punk "scene" that they dearly loved as a teenager. Their main form of transportation is a fixed gear road bike. Guy hipsters ussally wear skinny jeans, self designed t-shirts(printed drawn, spray painted, ect.). Girl hipsters will sport just about anything that doesn't have a brand logo on it that can be found in their local thrift store, both are often seen with lesbian-esque haircuts and chuck taylor's or vans. Politically, hipsters are very liberal and often are socialist and are in love with Abbie Hoffman and Che Guevara but are too lazy to start any kind of a revolution. Musically, hipsters listen to many genres, some bands most hipsters listen to are the beatles, atleast one of conor obersts projects, the cure, modest mouse, matt and kim, mgmt, the smashing pumpkins and the smiths, many hipsters are also secretly in love with my chemical romance but won't admit it unless they catch their hipster friend listening to them although they often have intense hatred for followers of the christ-core scene.
hipsterfixed gearabbie hoffmanconor oberstliberal
by startainfection June 28, 2010
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