2 definitions by stargirll3

Another word for EPIC. It means good, or sick.
Guy 1- Hey man, did you see the new DaveDays Video?
Guy 2- Yah it was pretty Kife.
by stargirll3 April 20, 2009
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A school with uniforms, and no nuns or priests wandering around the hallways. They have religion class, which is a waste of time becasue half the people that attend catholic high schools don't give a shit about God. Catholic schools are much like normal schools, but, they have better weed and more drunk people at the school dances. People that attend catholic school aren't always catholic.. it doesn't matter, people that work at the school hardly ever believe in God. Religion teachers don't care if you believe in Jesus or not... they just want their paychecks. Catholic Schools are full or stoners, losers, emos, preps, jocks and bitches. So what's the difference between Catholic Schools and Public schools? Catholic schools have SAINT in front of there name, and have God on there side. Public school have satan... according to God.
biblebitch= "I go to a catholic school, excuse me as I whore my way around the entire football team and snort coke!"

publicebitch" i go to a public school, excuse me as i sleep with the entire football team and smoke weed."
by stargirll3 October 12, 2009
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