18 definitions by standing up for what's right

A person who, on a genetic level, shares about 99.7% of their DNA with any woman
liberal feminist: Men don't have feelings. They only exist to do grunt work for us females. Beyond mowing the lawn and taking out the trash, they're completely useless! #KillAllMen
reasonable person: Did you know women and men share 99.7% of their DNA? Why don't they just put the 1.3% difference aside and be kind and respectful to each other, understanding that we are all equally human and deserve to be treated as such?
liberal feminist: Quit mansplaining, you misogynist pig!
reasonable person: I'm sorry, but I think you missed the point...
liberal feminist: (Screams and kicks him really hard in the balls. He doubles over in agony.)
by standing up for what's right February 15, 2023
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a common sadistic morbid piece of scum-fucking shit, usually claiming to be a "feminist," who tells suicide jokes and bullies and harasses little boys online and tries to make them kill themselves because they get some twisted pleasure out of the suffering of other human beings

Misandrists are just as bad as misogynists and are self-absorbed heartless pricks, and if it were up to me they would all rot away in the pit of Hell. Anyone who tells you misandrists don't exist is either schizophrenic or just a big fat liar.
Misandrist: I fucking hate men. All men are trash. Men are useless beings. Men shouldn't exist. Men are scum. All men are rapists. All men should die. Drink male tears. Castrate all men. Kill all men. All men are scum. All men are assholes. Kill male babies.

Logical person: You are making hurtful over-generalizations about men.

Misandrist: Shut the fuck up! If you think I'm generalizing, you're an idiot. All I want is equality. KILL ALL MEN!
Logical person: Don't ever talk to me again.
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a very hurtful phrase that should be given much more attention after it caused an 11-year-old boy who took it seriously to attempt suicide. Everyone seems to be fully accepting of this despite the fact that it's proven to hurt innocent little boys and not just adult men.

It is not a gender-related issue but a form of cyber-bullying that needs to be stopped if there's anyone left in this world who still has a heart.
Online Bully: Men are disgusting and useless. They are literally all scumbags and rapists. #KillAllMen

Me: Who do you think you are to say something like that? You're not a feminist, and you're not a misandrist. You're just a plain old bully. #StopOnlineBullying

Kill all men is cyberbullying and hate speech.
by standing up for what's right February 1, 2023
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a filthy pit of opinionated fuckheads, predators, trolls, idiotic questions, and snowflakes,

designed to lower the IQ level of its members to make it easier for the government to control our minds

basically digital Hell
Satan: Welcome to Hell!
Person: (screaming in terror) Oh Jesus, please, no! I'm so sorry!!!

Satan: Bwahaha, and now for your eternal punishment!
Person: OK, bring it on. I have nothing to lose.

Satan: Quora!
Person: NOOOOO!!!!!!
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A megasogynist is the most extreme form of misogynist. The SI prefix mega- is equal to 10^6 (1,000,000) times the given unit. Therefore, 1 megasogynist = misogynist x 10^6. A megasogynist, therefore, exhibits all the core attributes of an average misogynist amplified by a factor of one million.

Megasogynists are less common than megasandrists, but generally much more physically violent and homicidal. Unlike your average misogynist, a megasogynist either actively murders girls and women, for no reason but their gender, or would if they had the chance. They often have insane delusional paranoia about womankind, like they might think that women have supernatural mind-control powers or an evil government agenda. A megasogynist might think all women seek to kill him/her, so they think they are acting in self-defense. If they are born with any sexual orientation toward the female gender, they will do everything they can to eliminate it, and some have even been known to take a suicide oath if they catch themselves getting horny. They also do a lot of other evil crap that I can't legally mention on this website.

Luckily, megasogynists never get too far before they are rightfully incarcerated or put on death row.
Person 1: That guy over there is so cute. Should I try talking to him?
Person 2: Are you out of your goddamn mind?! Everyone knows he's a megasogynist! He'll stab you to death in your sleep! In fact, I'm going to call 9-1-1 on him.
Person 1: Nah, he looks so sweet and innocent. There's no way he would-
The guy: (Pulls out an AR-15 and starts shooting people)
Person 1: You're right! I'll call 9-1-1, too!
Police: Holy sh*t!!! Assemble the whole SWAT team!
by standing up for what's right February 19, 2023
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a disgusting evil lying back-stabbing creep who is possessed by Satan and will kill you if she gets the chance
Person 1: Who are you?
Person 2: I'm a woman.
Person 1: I can't take this anymore. Just kill me now, God, please!

Person 2: (demonic chanting)
by standing up for what's right February 27, 2023
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a shitty brand of cereal, generally causing obesity and/or diabetes, and getting eaten by people who are severely depressed after they wake up and it's dark and rainy outside
Person 1: Life sucks.
Person 2: What are you talking about? It's the greatest brand ever sold!
Person 1: No, I meant that my wife divorced me, and my cat just got run over by a car in front of my eyes.
Person 2: OK, sorry. I thought you were talking about cereal.
by standing up for what's right February 6, 2023
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