8 definitions by ssoonn

An old word for Festive Dictatorship, like its past relatives, Spooky Democracy and Never A Democracy, it is a completely unfair, unequal and inadequate place. its commonly known for its dictators however many cringers have been caught trying to fit in. In recent events, many communists tried to cross into the anti-democracy and were sentenced to the removal of limbs, one by one
Man: hey, society am i right
Man 2: its not a democracy
Man: based.
by ssoonn December 10, 2021
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an english term used commonly in london for speaking harshly about one another. can also be used as a term by 50 year old fathers when dinner is served, or if the conversation relates to food.
dad: want some smack?
son: yeah. whats for dinner you fucking nerd
dad: : stop speaking that smack
by ssoonn March 12, 2022
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Someone who often cooks meth or has sexual intercourse with his wife. Walts tend to live in new mexico. Most Walts have brother-in-laws named hank who work for the police. they usually will shout JESSE at the top of their lungs in public as it is a genetic they cannot look past. to not shout jesse publicly is a sin to the Walts.
Walt: JESSE *does meth*
Man: looks like a walt over there
by ssoonn December 11, 2021
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Someone that will sing in general. thats it.
Biglad445: Ahhh Oohhh
Mod: Shut up cringer l plus banned plus vitamin d
by ssoonn April 3, 2022
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To cause harm over time. but also known as a syndicate created by 4 hot men.

as each of the hot men cause harm over time it makes sense.
hotman1: bruh lets be mean, but over time so we can cause long term issues within our friendship groups and cause havoc like the hotmen we are.
hotman2: u mean being insidious
by ssoonn December 18, 2021
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Someone that can enjoy earl sweatshirts music healthily. people that enjoy it to an extent that its unhealthy are what is know as a earlistist. the earlists favourite song is most likely Whoa from the Doris album. they own golf wang socks. and there friends despise them.
1:Hey man wanna go outside?
2:No, im listening to Whoa.
1:Oh fuck off. i just want to play golf
2: Was that an OF reference..
by ssoonn December 10, 2021
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Someone who eats ice more often then drinking water. usually inside a bowl or a cup. unlike normal people they dont eat ice thats leftover from a drink, they get it on its own
Oh, dont eat that ice. dont be a sammy
by ssoonn December 9, 2021
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