2 definitions by speaking1the1truth1

While some people grow to become more cynical and selfish over time, that is not the case for Sof. Sof improves personally and glows up daily. She cares for you because her heart is composed almost completely of kindness and care for others. Her only peculiarity is how she is able to forgive and love the unforgivable and unlovable, even when their actions have not only taken effect on others, but have also impacter her. Regardless of how strenuous it might be Sof always remains in the path of righteousness. Sof's actions are truly representative of her values which are to be shared to all she comes into contact with. I love Sof, and once you come across her you will too. If you have had the pleasure of having met Sof realize your incomparable luck now and do not let her go. Between being the greatest wingwoman and the greatest late night talk Sof is indubitably the personification of perfection.
Guy#1: Hey Sof is looking kinda nice huh?
Guy#2: She always is.
by speaking1the1truth1 March 31, 2019
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The undeniable personification of kindness. Meg stands for beauty, intelligence and humour. Not only is Meg a nice person, but she is an inspiration for others to pursue a path of reciprocal respect to all. Meg is capable of fulfilling gaps in your heart to the extent where her absence is a true instigator of depression. Nonetheless, due to her innate kind approach to all around her, she would never want anyone to experience a moment of unnecessary sadness. Meg is the girl who will offer you the world, without knowing that the only appropriate response is to reciprocate her actions to the fullest extent. If you are with a Meg the only reason you deserve the world is so you can give it to her. If one of your characteristics is standing in your way of being happy with her, do not make the same mistake so many men will, get rid of the characteristic not the perfect woman. If you run across a Meg, make sure to tell her daily "I love you Just the Way You Are".
Guy #1: Hey do you miss Meg?
Guy#2: All the time.
by speaking1the1truth1 March 31, 2019
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