18 definitions by soreofhing

Her skirt is so short and she wears no panties. You can almost see her buttonhole.
by soreofhing August 13, 2009
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Where's my pencil gone? You've got it, you tea leaf!
by soreofhing July 5, 2009
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The rather difficult task of masturbating with the left hand while using the right hand on a mouse to navigate porn on the Internet.
With practice you can become ambidextrous; however that in no way discriminates against ambidextrous men who are born that way.
When my mother goes to the supermarket I have a quick left hander.
by soreofhing July 6, 2009
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Something that Bishops and Generals catch from public toilet seats.
The rest of us can catch it from fucking prostitutes.
Don't fuck her, she's probably got vd.
by soreofhing July 6, 2009
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An insulting term used by Jews to signify any non Jewish woman. Almost always used among Jews as a disrespectful offensive term for any non jewish girl or woman.
It's fighting talk.
That dirty shiksa.
All shiksas are shit.
I fucked that shiksa and gave her the clap.
by soreofhing July 6, 2009
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The line which you always seem to get onto at the supermarket checkout, the highway tollbooth line or in the bank.

The former always has someone who has a limited supply of cash and no credit card so they have to withdraw some items from their cart and wait for the checkout girl to recalculate and say "you're still 9.69 dollars over".
Or in the second, someone who drops his change and has to stop and scramble under his car.
Or in the latter, you are behind someone who suddenly pulls out wads of cash from his under his shirt for depositing in different accounts.
Damn! I'm in a hell of a hurry, and I got into the idiot's line at the supermarket.
by soreofhing July 20, 2009
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1. Designed to be used by young men as a sex subsitute.
2. Can also be used to inflate bicycle tyres.
I don't have a girlfriend because I'm very shy, but I have a bicycle inner tube.
by soreofhing July 6, 2009
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