2 definitions by someone_british

A company mainly founded by steve jobs .

they made thousands of logos and are mainly known for selling lumps of aluminium for £2000 they also offer to permanently take away the headphone jack but dont worry they sell a tiny adapter thats shit and breaks in 10 seconds for £10
Person 1 : I got the new iphone from apple
Person 2 : I got it too,im bankrupt now
Person 1 : same here
by someone_british April 6, 2023
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The aldi version of donald trump
and a national faliure

AKA: an incompetent idiot that ran the uk and failed us during 2 national crises broke his own restrictions and did a speech on peppa pig world
Person 1: I voted for Boris Johnson
Person 2: Go get a therapist
by someone_british April 5, 2023
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