17 definitions by somegoof

Slang for 'a Fitzgibbons'. Rumor has it that a drunkard couldn't pronounce the 'bb' part of the name correctly and the word was coined. Referring to someone as "a Fitzginnons" is meant to insult by assosiation with the original Fitzgibbons, who famously laughed at his students when they left an exam review because he wouldn't give them the answers.
John was a real fitzginnons for not doing the prized athlete's homework for him.
by somegoof January 17, 2005
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(Noun.) A playful jab which imitates a serious blow, often to the midsection.
(Verb.) To execute said jab. To izh.
Traditionally, the faux-assault is accompanied by the word itself. In the act of izhing, one utters 'izh'.
Do you wan't me to izh you?
by somegoof January 19, 2005
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(Noun). Refers to a local female who has oral intercourse with numerous men, one after another, standing in a line.
by somegoof January 19, 2005
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Describes a person who writes a lame definition for urbandictionary.com. More specifically, describes a person who writes a definition for a word that has already been defined over 100 times.
Justin was so word-lame that instead of thinking of an original word, he chose to redefine emo.
by somegoof May 14, 2005
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(Noun). Nonsense. A polite way of saying 'bullshit'. A way to say 'bullshit' without getting into trouble for cussing.
by somegoof January 20, 2005
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Type of joke made by those with a peculiar fixation on feces and colonic function. A joke which has a particular emphasis on feces or colonic function.
Sam continued to post his poop jokes on urbandictionary.com, but they weren't really slang terms.
by somegoof January 20, 2005
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A foul-smelling vagina.
I was going out with LeeAnn, but she's got stinkpuss.
by somegoof January 18, 2005
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