52 definitions by somebody

A term popularized by Beavis and Butt-head that refers to the Penis.
by somebody October 18, 2003
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Evil overlords of computerized activity. Will ban just about anyone they don't like, even if they follow the rules flawlessly. Nazi administrators are generally megalomaniacs whos lust for power overwhelms all sense of judgement, which ends up resulting in terrifying abuse of admin powers. Examples of Nazi administrators can be found at the forums of Sonic HQ, and even here, where the Nazi administrators compulsively delete definitions by request of their other Nazi contacts.
Nazi Admin: Sieg heil!
Innocent person: What?
Nazi Admin: That's it, you're banned!
by somebody April 22, 2004
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a band that kicks so much arse they only have 2 people in their band a bassist and a drummer and the drummer is vocals i mean how sweet is that. thats like so sweet it makes me crap my pants.
oh man death from above 1979 rocks my anus
by somebody September 5, 2004
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A thing with a hole and poop comes out of it.It makes very sudden noises at very special times.Always wipe your "butt" after you poop or it will smell very bad.
Sometimes when I fart my "butt" smells like ass.
by somebody March 28, 2005
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Someone who whores around and leeches files without uploading.
Oh look at him, he is such a timeth, going around and downloading from those people then sleeping with them.
by somebody September 17, 2004
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A silly abbreviation of the equally silly word "pwn," which is derived from a misspelling of the word "own."

It is used to indicate superiority.
I'm cool I scored 4 million points playing Pac-Man. I totally pw3n Inky's ass.
by somebody December 12, 2003
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A band that hipsters are too cool to like anymore because now they are done with high school and attend art school and/or moved to a city, and had to dig deeper into the more sophisticated self zone, aquiring tastes that no one will know about for at least the next 2-3 years, when they will have to update themselves once again (hint: when Xiu Xiu, Blonde Redhead and Q and Not U are completely for indie rock poseurs only... just a matter of time)
Modest Mouse... I never really liked them anyway.
by somebody October 5, 2003
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