4 definitions by sokaties

When the sun and the moon are visible in the sky at the same time.
I saw a simulsoluna on my way to work this morning!
by sokaties October 19, 2016
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(n.) A massive gathering of people to a specific location; the opposite of an "exodus".
The Same-Sex Marriage Referendum caused a mass introdus of Irish citizens to Ireland.
by sokaties September 5, 2015
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An event or circumstance that seems benign or meaningless on the surface but is secretly immensely satisfying. Inspired by micro-aggression
Getting exactly the right number of napkins in my Dunkin Donuts bag was such a micro-satisfaction.
by sokaties January 13, 2016
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(try-BREHK-tah) When you eat breakfast for all three meals of the day.
I achieved the tribrecta on Sunday. Breakfast is the shit.
by sokaties November 21, 2016
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