2 definitions by softsnow

A run-down house where a pusher supplied by his local dealer will sell or front drugs from (usually crack-cocaine, but may or not include oxys, perks, marijuana, hydrochloric-cocaine, mdma, extasy, mushroom, etc..).

Every location in America as a walking distance crack-shack for your convinience, even up north in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere.
To find one of these shacks, please ask any dealer/pusher/drug-user that you can commonly find in the streets or at your local stripclub (there is stripclubs even in the north-west territories.

A crack-shack is THE place where to find low grade cocaine, unprescribed pills, illegal herbs & plants and of course, crack-cocaine.

Your local & international dealers appreciate your business, and please, bring cash, we do not like to trade in useless or worthless items and we have no use for your grand-mother either.
-Hey man you know where I can find some blow?

-Ya, there's a crack-shack just down the street, and they even got hard. (Pointing a house with blankets on every window and a yard that nobody cared for in the last two years)

-Ok, thanks man.
by softsnow February 12, 2012
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A day that you are not spending with the people you love; a day where you don't have enough money to get by; a day where you are in a house without a vehicle or any mean of transportation to get you out of it; a day where the sun is shinning and the weather is perfect, but you just can't enjoy it; one of the worst day of your life.

Usually, on a wasted day you will find the desperation to motive you to get something done on the next day. Sometimes more or less than one wasted day is necessary to get through depression.
Today was a wasted day, my car wasn't running and I couldn't afford a cab or the bus, I spent all day at my parents house e-mailing my boyfriend without a reply, and I can't even call him because he doesn't have a phone.
by softsnow April 10, 2012
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