1 definition by snodawg

n. When a person is at their most patronising and condecending, whilst being hypocritical at every given moment. People who utilise the Spoors Treatment tend to be pencil-skirt wearing facists, often in controlling jobs i.e. radio producer or Media Studies teacher. Often confused with Bowe Treatment or Cain Treatment.

Person often uses certain linguistic tatics and utterances to increase her overall power and/or overbearing presence in the room.
Person one: Hello, you're quite late!

Person two: Of course I'm late! I am a very busy person! Have you done your homework yet? How about your class work? And your coursework, where is that? I have no time for incompetence.

Person one: Okay, okay, don't give me the Spoors Treatment!
by snodawg January 6, 2006
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