4 definitions by snackthatsmilesback44

person a: dud ctfu you have to get over here rn
person b: sorry ncd kind of in another country at the moment
by snackthatsmilesback44 February 3, 2019
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A: Dude, my ex just snapchatted me. What should I say?
B: Nothing! Don’t scb.
by snackthatsmilesback44 January 15, 2018
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The shortened version of "i owe you one".
The opposit of yom1 ("you owe me one").
You can pay for dinner, but ioy1.
by snackthatsmilesback44 July 25, 2018
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The shortened version of "owe me one".
Similar to yom1 ("you owe me one") and ioy1 ("i owe you one").
I brought cupcakes today, so y'all om1!
by snackthatsmilesback44 July 25, 2018
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