1 definition by smtrx

An affliction of the heart in where a Man, usually prone to womanizing, gambling, overindulgence, and all around decadent behavior; suddenly discovers, right in front of his nose, the Woman of his dreams.

Harukaitis develops when this discovery is countered by her immediate rejection and his realization that she is unattainable, and that he will spend the rest of his life never having a chance.

Symptoms include: loss of sleep, mood swings, anxiety, internal struggles with jealousy, as well as periods of delusion followed by despair.

Currently there is no cure for this condition.
He hasn't had a decent night sleep since coming down with Harukaitis last year.

I wouldn't try talking with him today. His Harukaitis has been acting up recently.
by smtrx October 28, 2010
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