1 definition by smd666999

ridge high school is labeled “the suicide school” by many towns. it is filled with preppy kids who think they are the shit because mommy and daddy have enough money to bail them out of jail when they get arrested for selling crack for juul pods. the kids are mean and viscous towards one another. sure the education is great but the schools staff does not care about your children’s mental health. if u walk into that school you will see one of three options.

1. the kid who is extremely bitchy because they hate themselves

2. the really depressed kid who has no friends and is a genuine nice person but can’t deal with everyone’s bullshit
3. the kid who smiles a fuck ton but is really depressed and pops pills to forget about their problems.
all in all, ridge high school is filled with juul addicted, sad, and bitchy teens who get ruined by their school.
- a basking ridge teen herself
should i move to ridge
fuck no do u wanna kill your self?
_ ridge high school is a town that makes u depressed and suicidal
by smd666999 January 5, 2019
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