11 definitions by sm

a slang phrase dirived from allow that created by scottizle maurizle pirated(COPIED) by Benito
"alla-dat man"
by sm July 2, 2004
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not quite animal, not quite mineral and certainly not quite vegetable. Omneo is a formidable character who resides at www.omneo.tk or www.omneo.says.it
by sm April 8, 2003
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A VERY VERY VERY slow ricer.
Can also be the moron that likes such a shitty car.
See lix
*MinesSkylineR34 is slow and stupid and SM pwns him in every possible way.
by sm March 17, 2004
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A young, tall and amazing striker with a big nose that will be better than Andriy Schevchenko in a couple of years.
I don't know what Juventus would do without Zlatan Ibrahimovic
by sm January 3, 2005
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Localised - Dublin, Ireland.

A Dirt Bird can also be someone who'll do anything to finish something, low morals. A person that'll stoop to anything, basically.
You're a fucking Dirt Bird.
He's a Dirt Bird.
Yer ma's a Dirt Bird.

(simple exclamation from a crowd to a single target) Dirt Bird!
by sm January 28, 2005
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Bling, bling.
Phat lewt.
Yo, biatch, gimme some o' dat jing! Damn straight you be owin' me money for all that head I gave your dad last night!
by sm December 13, 2003
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