4 definitions by slifty

Anybody who doesn't like Nazis, apparently.
Calling people who don't like Nazis the alt-left is like calling people who don't savor the consumption of human flesh alt-vegetarians
by slifty August 15, 2017
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The natural instinct to question information before adopting it into your world view. The capacity to act on that instinct and draw reasonable conclusions during the meaning making process.
Remember that time I thought aliens were invading because someone said it was happening on the radio? Man, that was some really shitty critical ability
by slifty November 15, 2011
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a general expression, used to show a variety of emotions, depending on its context. When used alone, it simply means "hello", but it can also mean "what?", "screw you", or "now i'm crying, jerk" if it followed by a question mark, angry face, or frown respectively
"Whea" <-- hello
"Whea >:(" <-- jerk! that was MY pudding!
"Whea?" <-- What? you ate FIFTEEN pop tarts for breakfast?!
"Whea:(" <-- damn it... i just went to school and forgot to wear my pants again.
by slifty April 3, 2004
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A drinking game invented by Brett Kavanaugh during the time he was running for the supreme court and lying through his ass to the Senate.

It involves three cups in a triangle. It's a quarters game.
"You know, devil's triangle. Totally not a sex thing."
by slifty September 27, 2018
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