1 definition by skinnymic

Common version of Herpes Simplex Complex 1 (HVC1). A highly virulent virus.

Most common form is a red blister-like sore on or around the mouth, but it can show up within the mouth and on other areas of the face as well. Typical symptoms last 8 to 12 weeks, in which the virus swells, breaks, blisters over, then disappears. Before showing up, the virus makes the skin tingle or itch.

Extremely transmittable. Typical infection occurs with skin-to-skin contact with someone who already has the virus, but can also be spread using utensils, bottles, lip stick, lip balm, pipes, ETC(...) that an infected individual has used.

Transmission can be prevented not engaging in kissing or oral sex with a person experiencing an outbreakl, not sharing drinks or other objects that could be in the mouth, and washing hands often.

HPC1 is estimated to have infected 80% of people living in the U.S. Personal opinion: they're not a huge deal.
I would love to kiss you, it's just that... I have a cold sore.

Oh, that's alright. We can just cuddle for now.
by skinnymic November 19, 2010
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