7 definitions by sk8aholic

- After Bacon. it's the way of life
- The saver of old lonely men
- It even sounds cool..heh..heh.. Beer.
- I'm so drunk I forgot my life sucks
- Look everyone.. that guys hat looks like a penis...
- heheheheheeheehehehehe pickle...
by sk8aholic July 25, 2004
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- how rappers/thuggers begin and end every sentence..
- used when rappers can't find a word to finish their song..
1.- Yo, Dawg, Yo, whats up in the hizouse, Yo, i be talken to tha fool yo, word, what you saying, yo...

I'm sleepin on the floor
I'm as drunk as can be, but i want more
i'm so tanked on alcohol, i forget my true name
i call myself the...(doesn't know what to say..then continues..) YO!
Yo. that's right i be rippen this place
don't talk back because.....YO!!
by sk8aholic July 25, 2004
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- an old ass that smells like a left over pile of shit
- mostly very hairy, covered with lots of funky stuff.
dude.. what the fuck is that smell.
I think it's some ones runky rectum
probably.. that shits damn dirty..
by sk8aholic July 25, 2004
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- when some one fondles with a dudes ballsack...

- the tickling of a males genitles...
- you are such a scrodom fiddler
- try the famous scrodom fiddler on me.. i heard it's great..
by sk8aholic July 25, 2004
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- A very small dog that looks like a squirrel and a frog at the same time, small enough to fit in a box...

was founded by ryan and will of east york toronto during lunch hour...
Will - " Holy shit check out that fucked up looking dog "
Ryan - " where?...where? "
Will - " dude right there.. "
Ryan - " HOLY SHIT!!.. "
Will and Ryan - " IT'S A NARGY!!. "
by sk8aholic July 25, 2004
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A funkytampon that leeks
exuse me man... you have an evil tampon...
by sk8aholic July 25, 2004
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