6 definitions by sinny L

when your night out at the strip club, you went home safe and had one dollar left in the wallet.
I found a dollar in my wallet after night out at hungry I ,that's a fucking miracle !
by sinny L February 20, 2009
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1.to devour any fruits that's so overfuckingwhelming unbelievable sweet which simulates orgasms

2.to use pickle, banana or any fruit shaped like instruments to reach a orgasm
1.I cut that pineapple open yesterday and it's so frigging beautiful, I almost had a fruitgasm !!!

2.Gina tried to use ......(maybe I shouldn't have ..)
by sinny L April 23, 2009
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1. being other people 's tray, be used, be tools for others
1.Tommy got made and be-trayed by his buddy ...
2.Mankind got be-trayed by the New World Order Mafia..
by sinny L March 31, 2010
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1.to puke,refunding your bar tap,vomit,purge
What ya doing over the toilet ?are you puking ?

Na na ,I'm unswallowing
by sinny L December 15, 2008
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being slaved by acohol, alcoholic
My liver is a slut and I became an alcowhore since she left me
by sinny L January 28, 2009
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The Phenomenon created by Barack Obama.
Lisa is depressed again. She needs to get in the zone of Obamamenon.Tell her to watch the reruns of Barack Obama Inauguration.
by sinny L January 28, 2009
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