2 definitions by silentfridge

the stupidest math program ever. i hate it, and so do you. it is used in some places to help kids with math, but it just makes them want to commit suicide. it is very dumb because it makes parents think that their kids want to do math, which, duh, they don't. so next time, before you go onto aleks, be sure to stop, look, and throw your computer out the window. no one likes it.
did you do all your aleks minutes?


good for you.
by silentfridge November 14, 2007
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a very interesting song by britney spears. it is her second single off of her album by blackout. this song has some interesting vocals, in the beginning there is an interesting kind of chicken bucking sound. wow. it is interesting. then comes some good lyrics, and okay music. the lyrics rock, there are a few that are the best, one particularly funny lyric is: "i'm the one most likely to be in the magazines for stripping on the streets when i'm out buying groceries, now for real are you kidding me?" honestly, that is hilarious!
have you heard piece of me by britney spears?


oh. bye. you suck.
by silentfridge November 14, 2007
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