23 definitions by sick

a girl who has horrible teeth and or metal braces
by sick December 16, 2003
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"look at the size of those dairy pillows dog!!"
by sick December 15, 2003
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a breast that has a silicone implant
she's hot but she got jelly rolls.
by sick December 16, 2003
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term popularized by Sir Mix Alot to describe a large, unattractive woman who resides in or frequents the city of Bremerton, WA to establish "relations" with Navy personnel.
shes a bremelo
by sick December 16, 2003
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a term for an affluent woman who drives a luxury SUV with a cell phone stuck in her ear as she reaches back to slap junior for spilling his carls jr on her leather seats that her husband is paying for while merging on the freeway at 90 mph.
fuck you cunny!
by sick December 15, 2003
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a style of a person who don't give a fuck about what everyone else thinks
that's some freak style type shit
by sick June 14, 2003
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