37 definitions by shadow creator

50 cent is one of the few black people who is actually a nigger in the true sense of the word. Holds black people and the entire human race back. Should be put in slave chains or shot in the face. His marketers use clever tactics to put stupid ideas in the heads of people and make him look 'tuff'.
50 cent is a great example of not only the worst of the black race, but the worst of humanity in general.
by shadow creator November 29, 2007
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Any type of conduct or policy that improves a company's profits, either through reputation or simply through finances. Can in some cases be beneficial if people are watchful of said company, but more often than not, people are not. Thus, with big companies that have loads of power, influence, and money lying around, they use it in not so nice ways to maximize their revenue. Simply put; if your first order of 'business' is to make money, and you have the means to influence the government, the media, and even your own 'studies', would you do so? Of course you would. Well, at least most would. The major corporations of the US and the world have a monopoly on qualification and misinformation, allowing them to 'purify' their ranks into an increasingly self-serving elite with no danger from outsiders. Those with opposing agendas are systematically crushed through manipulation of financial necessities, or likely in far darker ways when the need becomes dire.
by shadow creator December 6, 2007
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The process of wasting time with another one is infatuated or sexually attracted to, usually of the opposite sex. Most of the time, this takes the form of typical 'small talk', boring activities such as going out to dinner or to the movies, et cetera. This is usually to distract each other from the reality that they have nothing on their own, though usually women are more oblivious to this due to cultural norms. In real relationships, this can just be a form of killing time, because it's not really needed for any meaningful interaction. Typically, this lack of deeper bond is the reason why relationships split up, but the distractions keep it going for awhile so it's a big painful shitstorm when one or both parties realizes that fairyland is a fake place and that you have to WORK for a REAL relationship.
Most 'dating' is highly predictable and a complete waste of time.
by shadow creator December 30, 2008
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1. A fucking retarded name for ones partner.
2. A word used to scare someone.
3. A word commonly hollered at 50 cent, MCR, FOB, Nickelback, and P!ATD concerts.
1. (guy) hey wuzzup mah boo, u checkin it out to feel reel gud
(girl) shut the fuck up dumbass you sound like an idiot

2. (guy 1) BOO!
(Announcer) And now, our final act, panic! at the disco!
by shadow creator December 11, 2007
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An uninspired first person shooter that is somewhat fun in multiplayer. Contains weapons that are at least 500 years outdated, cheesy aliens, and a somewhat boring storyline.
Halo is an okay boredom killer, but is not an intelligent or particularly interesting game
by shadow creator September 8, 2007
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Legalized Assault with a different name.
Joe performed the therapeutic hold on James, even though he insisted that he was being violated.
by shadow creator September 8, 2007
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It's like jaywalking, an offense that virtually everyone commits. There difference between the two is that speed laws are actually enforced (though quite selectively), usually to meet quotas.
Oh noes you were speeding 90 mph in the middle of the night on the interstate with no other cars within a mile what a danger to other citizens
by shadow creator December 26, 2007
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