1 definition by shacklebooboo

Quinn is one of the closest things to perfect you will ever see. He's funny, well-liked, talented, intelligent, and seeing his smile for just a split second makes you want to smile for the remainder of the day. Some of the best things about him include the fact that he's very intelligent, but that doesn't stop him from cracking some hilarious jokes. He's not cocky or arrogant even though he's amazing at almost everything and literally seems to have all the reasons in the world to be cocky. He's real. He acknowledges the fact that he's great at a lot of things but he doesn't overly boast about it and he also doesn't downplay his achievements. Quinn's personality is balanced. If there was such thing as perfection, Quinn would be the definition. However, there is one thing I don't like about him. He probably doesn't talk about me the way I talk about him. He probably doesn't talk about me at all. Not that there's much to talk about.
Person: "So, why do you like Quinn?"
Me: "I like him because everything he says, everything he does, and everything he is makes me smile. I know he doesn't mean to make me smile, he probably doesn't even know he does... but that on top of his overall existence draws me to him."
by shacklebooboo December 12, 2018
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