21 definitions by sexylexie

best pizza on the planet. this gift from god himself is a pizza restuarnt found only in california but they make the best pizza ever. the kitchen is right in front of you. they dont hide anything. you can actully watch them make your pizza from fresh dough. thats right, they dont even make it until you order it.
by sexylexie August 24, 2007
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Greg: I wonder what Hulk Hogan would like like in a drag?
Bill: Brooke Hogan
by sexylexie June 14, 2008
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something you need get a gf/bf. no matter how good you look, if you got a terrible personality, no one will want you
guy one: do you think shes hot?
guy tow: yeah, but she has the personality of a brick wall
guy one: so? she's hot
guy two: so is my coffee but i aint datin it
guy one: good point.
guy two: yup. only conceited sluts say good personality is for ugly people.
by sexylexie March 16, 2007
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you people need some serious help. a Kinder Surprise is a German candy bar shaped like an egg and with a toy inside. yummy chocolate but the toy is tiny as hell and gets lost easy
Oh shit i lost my kinder surprise toy
by sexylexie June 12, 2008
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Oh no. Summer is over and it's b2s
by sexylexie August 21, 2007
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mankind's greatest invention. summarizes boring books high school students have to read, in little paragrpahs for every chapter. you can still get the idea of what the book's about without spending countless hours reading the damn thing.
also avilable for subjects such as history, math, science, chemistry, government, etc.
Oh fuck. I have a test on Macbeth tomorrow. Sparknotes to the rescue!
by sexylexie May 1, 2007
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mankind's greatest invention. summarizes boring books high school students have to read in little paragrpahs for every chapter (or act, if its a play), you can rerad the enitre book in less than half hour, get the idea of what it's about, pass the test, and not waste time actually reading the book.
also offers study guides for other subjects, such as math, history, science, etc.
Oh shit. I have a test on Macbeth tomorrow. Sparknotes to the rescue!
by sexylexie May 9, 2007
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