26 definitions by sebastiancee

tabacco rolled into a joint along with weed to help it burn, and to add a little kick
I only had half a gram so I rolled a joint with clip to fill it up.
by sebastiancee January 23, 2008
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amazing how people define what an actual pirate is on a SLANG Dictionary...

A pirate is someone who downloads free shit all the time, thus are pirating. Someone who pirates is a pirate etc...
I'm a pirate, I'm always downloading torrents and shit like that.
by sebastiancee December 29, 2007
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Anti-Gaming Girlfrienditis (AGG), a very common syndrome where the victim finds a special girl (Girlfriend), and slowly distances himself away from his gaming life and friends, he loses all will to game and the mere sight of one could cause him to become ill, or enraged. If you know someone suffering from this chronic illness, don't hesitate to get help.
We've lost alot of good men to Anti-Gaming Girlfrienditis, god damnit.

Bill is going down into Post-AGG traumatic stress.

I am infected with AGG.
by sebastiancee September 2, 2007
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stories about being high or trips you hear about or tell friends, usually during seshes. Gets its name from chronic.
me and my friends cheefed a phat bowl, and through the hazy smoke told them of my adventures and chronicles being blitzed
by sebastiancee January 28, 2008
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A very potent strain of marijuana grown with hydroponics making it all that more powerful.
I took one deep hit of that hydrochronic and coughed like a bitch
by sebastiancee December 29, 2007
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get your baby out of the way!!! Ginger ahoy!
by sebastiancee October 30, 2007
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