6 definitions by seanmccallum

Boston slang for a Miller Lite.

Named for former Red Sox third-baseman Wade Boggs, who was notorious for having consumed a seemingly impossible number of Miller Lites on east coast to west coast road trips.

A distant cousin of the Delgado.
Nelly: Alright Paul, we’ve been talking about Wade Boggs up here today in Seattle.

Sorrento: (laughing) Yeah, ole Wade huh.

Nelly: Yeah, alright Paul, I need you to answer one question for me, truthfully now….How many beers would Wade Boggs drink on an east coast to west coast road trip?

Sorrento: Oh, jeez, (exhaling like a flat tire) I don’t know, like 70.

Nelly, Sandberg, Sorrento, Hank: (Rolling on the ground laughing)
by seanmccallum December 11, 2007
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The street on which Spanish Johnny tries selling his heart to the hard girls in Springsteen's "Incident On 57th Street".
He tried sellin' his heart to the hard girls over on Easy Street
But they sighed "Johnny it falls apart so easy and you know hearts these days are cheap"
by seanmccallum September 1, 2007
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Legendary Toronto DJ who spins killer vinyl classics of the Rock and Motor City Soul variety into the wee hours of the debauchery-filled morning, often culminating in embarassingly inebriated sing-alongs and complaints from the neighbours.
We got completely shit-faced last night while listening to the sweet sounds of DJ Eric Foreman killing on the wheels of steel.
by seanmccallum September 18, 2007
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That place you go to when you have consumed all of the imported beer, and are left with nothing to drink but the cheap stuff (ie, Lucky Lager).

Named for the Springsteen song which proclaims:

I'm going down to Lucky Town
Down to Lucky Town
I'm gonna lose these blues I've found
Down in Lucky Town

It should be noted that Lucky Town is more a state of mind (and drunkeness) than it is an actual place, although it could be argued that the back of the refridgerator (where Lucky Lager traditionally resides) is Lucky Town.
Sheen: "Dude, where are you going? We're all out of green-bottle beer."

Llibs (Returning from the fridge with a couple of Lucky Lagers): "I'm going down to Lucky Town."

Sheen (Nodding his head knowingly): "Things are about to get ugly."
by seanmccallum June 16, 2008
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The means by which Randy Moss pays his bills.
Reporter: "Write the check yet, Randy?"

Moss: "When you're rich, you don't write checks."

Reporter: "If you don't write checks, how do you pay these guys?"

Moss: "Straight cash, homey."
by seanmccallum November 19, 2007
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Toronto slang for the extra-large, extra-expensive $13 beer at Blue Jays home games.

Named for the extra-large former Jays slugger, Carlos Delgado, and a distant cousin of the 'Boggs' (Boston slang for a large Miller Lite)
I must have had at least 4 Delgados before flipping the bird on the Jumbotron.
by seanmccallum October 27, 2007
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