317 definitions by sean




(4)teh sex0r.

(5)crack ass.



by sean January 26, 2005
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something that is completely necessary and amazing
dude that bong hits crucial
by sean March 26, 2005
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A flash cartoon and/or game made to show hate towards a fad. Rarely any good.
The other day I played an anti-flash game on newgrounds about Pokemon. I am neutral towards Pokemon, but it wasn't a very good flash.
by sean March 27, 2005
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Japanese word for menajatwa (2-on-1)
Myself, your mom, and your sister had a San pi.
by sean November 10, 2003
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syn. of "cool"
"Want something to drink?"
"No, thanks. I'm blizzen."
by sean December 23, 2003
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Acronym for "To Be Stopped." You use this when you are referring to something that needs to be eliminated from society.
Man, Jay-Z really needs TBS. I can't stand looking at his big flappy face.
by sean February 14, 2005
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