2 definitions by sd999

A word of greeting amongst typically, but not exclusively, male Chavs, Townies and Scally's. Derived from the mispronunciation of the word 'boy', it is often used multiple times in the same sentence. It is most commonly used in a friendly manner, although when the enevitable eruption of tension and/or violence occurs between members of the community(ies) to which it belongs, it will be replaced, ironically, with the word 'mate'.
Male 1: "Alright buy? What's 'appnin buy?"

Male 2: "'ere buy did you see the buy other day what smashed that window down KFC in town?"

Male 1: "fuckin' 'ell buy yeh what a nutter innit buy!"

Male 2: "Yeh I know buy. Fuckin' gonna smash the cunt's 'ead in buy my fuckin' sister was fuckin' workin in there at the time wunnit buy. And she's fuckin' pregnant!"

(cycle down to next estate on BMX bikes)

Male 2 to Male 3: "Oi mate! You fuckin' smashed that window down KFC mate my fuckin' sister was workin in there and you nearly killed 'er fuckin baby. You're fuckin dead mate!"
by sd999 February 11, 2014
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When you're in a communal toilet or using the toilet directly after someone else and there is a powerful aroma of turd.

The only way in which to overcome the smell, where holding your breath is not an option, is to perform a counter shit to overpower the fumes of the rival excrement with your own scent which, conversely, is rather enjoyable.
The other day I went for a piss in the hungry horse and I thought I was going to chunder - someone had clearly just laid a massive log in cubicle 2 which left a putrid stench so I had to do a counter shit.
by sd999 May 13, 2015
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