128 definitions by scodder

Masterly bation is where a servant whacks off his master.
"I say, Jenkins," said Master Dobbs, "I believe it's time for some masterly bation."

"Certainly, sir" said Jenkins. "The white gloves?"

"Of course," said Master Dobbs indignantly as he unbuttoned his trousers, "were you brought up in a barn?"
by scodder May 19, 2010
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Rat muff means rat vagina.

A constant quest of male rats.
"Did you get any rat muff last night?" asked Rafael Rat, looking somewhat hung over.

"Oh yeah, dude, I shagged my tail off," replied Rastus.
by scodder June 13, 2010
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Being pigsually intercoursulated means being sexually violated by pigs.

Not as pleasant as it sounds.
Jojo was sitting on the pig sty fence above the breeding boars, smoking a doobie, when he fell in.

When he emerged, covered in mud and (other unpleasant things), he gasped, "I been pigsually intercoursulated," before collapsing.
by scodder June 7, 2010
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Pianist enlargement is where you put your pianist on a high carbs, sugar and fat diet to make him larger.
"How's your pianist enlargement going?" Fred asked Larry."

"Great!" said Larry. "He's up to 400 pounds, but we're going for 550.
by scodder July 3, 2010
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Hairy Otter is the hero of the Harry Potter novels adapted for otters.

Featured in such thrilling adventure as "Hairy Otter and the Fish-head of Fire", and "Hairy Otter and the Prisoner of Ottskhaban".

Totally beloved by tweeny otters.
Hairy Otter bravely waved his trout wand, driving back the evil Wart Pigs Of Doom.
by scodder April 27, 2010
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Smut hole burfing is where someone burfs (throws up) down an outhouse hole.
"I gotta toss my cookies," said Ben after chugging most of a bottle of gin.

Ned directed Ben to the outhouse, where he put one one of the most impressive and explosive displays of smut hole burfing ever seen.
by scodder May 31, 2010
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"I have boner," is a wonderful ice breaker with really hot chicks.

Usually results in fairly quick hot monkey sex.
"I have boner," Louie said to the unbelievably gorgeous hot chick standing next to him at the bar.

"My place is just around the corner," replied the stunner, "let's go boink our brains out."
by scodder May 19, 2010
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