3 definitions by schwarz

When driving on a four lane divided highway, you get caught behind a slow moving vehicle in the right lane and a vehicle doing the same speed in the passing lane, when ready, proceed to pass between the two cars.
These two idiots decided to drive beside eachother on the highway so I had to pull out the Sarajevo Sidewinder on them
by schwarz August 15, 2007
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When driving behind a slow moving vehicle on a two lane highway and oncoming traffic is blockng the passing lane instead of passing normally over the dividing line, you pass on the slim gravel shoulder scaring the driver into oncoming traffic, leaving you with right of way!
The highway was very busy and the minivan in front of us was driving way to slow so we pulled a Contiki Cutoff on his ass
by schwarz August 15, 2007
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When on a two lane highway behind a vehicle that is constantly slowing down and speeding up and therefore making it difficult to over take them, when the opportunity presents itself slam on the accelerator and pass said douchebag, cut back hard into the lane right in front of them and slam on the brakes causing them to roll over you like a Tsunami
This asshole wouldn't let me pass so I got him back with a Tsunami Lane Change
by schwarz August 15, 2007
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