22 definitions by sanchopancho02

-An idea
-A belief
-A non-corrosive metal
You can't trap justice. It's an idea, a belief.
(But even the most heartfelt belief can be corroded over time)
Justice is a non-corrosive metal
(But it can be melted by the heat of rovaange)
It's revenge, and it's best served cold.
by sanchopancho02 October 6, 2021
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(noun) A hopeless romantic; a doormat
(verb) To continue to flirt with someone after they've expressed disinterest or rejected you
n: What a simp!
v: I warned him and she threatened to call the police, but alas, he continued to simp over the anorexic girl he thought was hot.
by sanchopancho02 January 29, 2021
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satan, the devil, lucifer, 666, hades, todd howard, whatever you wanna call him.
compare: the man upstairs
me: The end of the world? But you're God! Can't you just undo it?
god: As much as I would love that, my child, the man downstairs wouldn't like it.
by sanchopancho02 March 16, 2021
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The event of something becoming no longer finite

also this
monkeys evolving into humans was the definition of stupidity
by sanchopancho02 March 8, 2019
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Definition 1 (adjective): Broken
Definition 2 (past-tense verb): Synonym for "printed"
Guy 1: Hey, just wondering if you got your photos printed?
Guy 2: bogos binted?
Guy 1: What?
Guy 2: 👽
by sanchopancho02 April 29, 2023
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Dubious consent. In erotic fanfiction and ERP, means any gray areas of (sexual) consent. It can be:
- No verbal consent but desired by both parties
- Full verbal consent but one party doesn't desire
- Full verbal consent but one or both parties can't give real consent, for example because of drunkenness
TW: Contains dubcon
by sanchopancho02 June 19, 2023
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