26 definitions by sage thunder

A made up music genre. By the media to describe melodic hardcore punk bands,that wrote personel and sad lyrics or song in a whiny style of voice. And of course everybody likes to say that the beginning of emocore started with rites of spring. They actually just are a bad sounding post-hardcore band. In the mid 80s they wrote more mellodic songs with personel lyrics. When they played shows some of crowd thought that the songs were so sad that they cried like they were the beatles. These people were called emo. In the 90s the band jawbreaker wrote a sad little song about getting drunk instead of kissing a girl. And got called emo. Sunny day real estate though may be the only emo band because of their sound but only for one song seven. Then the media made it out like to be emo write a song like jawbreaker and sound like sdre. Sunny day real estate is mainly a band that mixes grunge and hardcore. They did one whiny record and that was it. There is no band that comes out saying that there emo. But the only band I know that sounds simuler are to sdre is taking back sunday. But there not emo either.
Sunny day real estates song seven is the only true emocore song. btw people that say the cure is emo,probably has down syndrone
by sage thunder April 14, 2010
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A great band from the U.K. And one of the best alt-rock/post-punk revival bands of the 2000S. Listen to there album from 2008, to lose my life or to lose my love. The song to lose my life is great.
Let's grow old together, and die at the same time!(White lies)
by sage thunder April 4, 2010
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Grenade free america. When you say screw the grenades. If there's hot chicks with a grenade. Fuck it move on.
Mark: let's go to the club gfa. Cause grenades are nothing but trouble and to ugly to fuck. Jack: cool.
by sage thunder July 8, 2010
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People that can't help you with anything. They should always be avoided. They will ONLY bring you negativaty.
When I'm with my coworkers I'm mostly happy. When I'm around mike and amber I'm always annoyed and angry. Fucking worthless people.
by sage thunder June 12, 2010
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garage rock of the 2000s. Labeled by the media as garage rock revival for it gaining mainstream interest again. but there have been different revivals in garage rock going threw the 50s,60s,70s. Starting around 2000 to 2001. Bands like the strokes,the white stripes,the hives and the vines are the first four bands to get mainstream success. This sound is on the alt-rock side of things so with there success they thankfully kicked nu-metal off the alt-rock stations. Also imo along with post-punk revival the best rock genres of the 2000s.
Garage rock (2000s) are also the libertines,black rebel motorcycle club,the D4,yeah yeah yeahs,the von bondies,the datsuns,arctic monkeys,kings of leon,the black keys,cage the elephant,twin berlin,harlem,the soft pack exc exc
by sage thunder November 20, 2010
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A synth/post-punk revival band from new york. That was really sucky when they made their major label debut. Honest mistake is one the worst songs ever. Its reminisant of a cat singing. Its called honest mistake because that's what it was.on the next album believe was a big hit. But why listen to that when the killers are doing better. Their latest album stir the blood is when they finnaly stop being so crappy. Slow poison is a good song. The second single was good to.
Man the bravery sucked on their first two albums. Hell yeah! But stir the blood is pretty good.
by sage thunder March 19, 2010
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The year that michael jackson died,the yankees won another championship,kobe finally got his fourth ring,tiger woods crashed his car on thanksgiving night trying to cheat on his wife,a year proving you need no talent to become famous,see (jon and kate)also kim kardashion. Nude rihana,and celebrity sex tapes all over the place,t.I. Goes to jail, michael vick gets reinstaded into the nfl, the sucky twilight movie rave begins and the year of lady gaga.
2009 was okay, but 2010 should be better
by sage thunder April 11, 2010
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