86 definitions by s

exclamation of joy when realising academic domination at Princeton/Amherst back to back then going on to pursue domination at HMS MD PhD
Booyah. Topped Mol and Biochem exams. Booyah just booyah all over the world.
by s March 22, 2005
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Laughing out Zestfully Loud; which is derived from the original: LOL
Nick lozled as he flicked a straw full of soda at Steve's face.
by s December 23, 2004
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when a guy cums on your eye and dries and makes a patch...like a pirate
last night my boyfriend gave me a ghost pirate
by s January 4, 2004
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The middle of nowhere, back of beyond. A place where a no-name nobody (e.g a journeyman golf pro)lives.
As soon as Jerry Kelly has worked that flukey streak out of his system, he'll be going back to Palookaville where he belongs.
by s April 26, 2004
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noun: a lie. a completely made up story
verb: to lie. to concoct a story.
blagging through school/college/work
"I brewed up that story completely"
"That was a total brew"
"I brewed up that essay, it's complete bollox"
"my presentation to the board is a complete brew"
by s March 30, 2004
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"he was feeding me complete brews"
"I brewed up that presentation for my boss"
by s March 30, 2004
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It couldnt b any more simple...no man has a smaller manhood thn him...

Miles Robinson
jus look down his pants..omfg! ahahahaha! pmsfl! u got a magnifying glass to hand?! Hes such a weener
by s August 5, 2004
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