49 definitions by rzhhhh

Pronounced: d-em-six or dem-six

1. n.
A map on the, relatively, popular Quake series; dm6
It is known as "The Dark Zone"
Seen on: Quake 3, Quake 4 and Quake Live

2. n./adj.
Synonym for "retard"

3. n./adj.
A person who thinks (s)he's hot shit, the dogs bollocks, the bee's knees, the dog's body etc... But really (s)he's just a bitch
(S)He thinks (s)he has mad skills and goes hard, but really (s)he's just a bitch
(S)He think's (s)he's a master of the culinary arts, Iron Chef or Aiur Chef but really (s)he's just a bitch
(S)He thinks that (s)he is ghetto/black when really (s)he is as pale as milk with extra milk and they are just a bitch.
In short: A person who is nothing more than a bitch.
It's a map

Look at that demsix, he thinks 1+1=3, how cute!
You are such a demsix
Stop being a demsix
Bunch of demsixes
If your intelligence quotient (IQ) is below 50; you are a demsix
Hey demsix

A: OMG I just cooked Keftedes to perfection! I am a master of the culinary arts! You can call me Aiur Chef.
B: I'll call you Demsix because you're just a bitch

Demsix: Why am I so good and you're perma-bad?
Rizeh: Shut up mate, you're just a bitch
by rzhhhh November 13, 2011
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Counterterrorist / Counter Terrorist

Acronym: CT

A Counterterrorist is one who practices tactics, strategies
and techniques to prevent or respond to acts or threats of
terrorism by terrorists.

A CT may be employed by the government, military,
police department or corporations (see: PMC)
Noteable Counterterrorists:

Solid Snake
Sam Fisher
Jack Bauer
James Bond
G.I Joe Team
Ethan Hunt
Jason Bourne

The CT Team from Counter Strike including:
- The GIGN
- GSG-9
- Seal Team 6

Team America World Police

Noteable Counterterrorist / Intelligence Agencies:

MI5 / MI6
To some extent the FBI
and so on, and so on...
by rzhhhh July 5, 2010
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Jules Winnfield

A character from Pulp Fiction portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson.

Jules was a hitman / assassin / hired goon working
for Marcellus Wallace until he and his partner;
Vincent Vega witnessed, what Jules refers to as,
Divine Intervention where they were shot at but none of
the bullets hit.
Now Jules "walks the Earth". Vincent calls him a bum
for doing this.

He has a variant of The Bibles chapter Ezekiel 25:17
memorised, which he recites before killing someone.
As its some "chill shit" to say to someone before they die,
not because he's religious.

He doesn't eat pork, because pig is a filthy animal, not
because he's Jewish or Muslim

He owns a Bad Motherfucker wallet.

Also, apparently he's the "foot fuckin' master"
and he's cool like The Fonz
Jules Winnfield quotes:

"What" ain't no country I've ever heard of, they speak English in What?

Do you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with cheese in France?

Shit negro! That's all you had to say!

Big Kahuna burger?! I hear they have some tasty burgers.

Eatin' a bitch out, and givin' a bitch a foot massage ain't even the same fuckin' thing.

Tell that bitch to chill out!
Say "Bitch be cool" !

English motherfucker! Do you speak it?!

I'm a mushroom cloud layin' motherfucker, motherfucker!
Everytime my fingers touch brain I'm superfly T.N.T,
I'm the Guns of the Navarone

Hamburgers! The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.

Shut the fuck up, fat man!
by rzhhhh July 12, 2010
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If religion existed in dinosaur times then Allah-saurus would be:
The prehistoric version of Allah, acquired by crossing Him with a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Allah-saurus would totally destroy Raptor Jesus in a fight to the death.
This puts Muslims a few steps ahead of Christians.
Sure sucks to be them. Thank God for Atheism / Agnosticism.

Other major religions such as Hinduism and Sikhism have no dinosaurs attributed to them as of current.
So a clear winner cannot be decided, although one could assume the Hindus will come out on top as they have multiple Gods.
And even the T-Rex would have a hard time Vs. multiple adversaries. I mean, he was defeated by King Kong for fucks sake.
Raptor Jesus: rawr The Bible was written by God himself, I should know I was there when he wrote it.
Christians: Teach us more Raptor Jesus!
Raptor Jesus: It says here on the 3rd Day God created Dutch Tulips.
He put them in Holland so the Windmills would keep them cool...

Allah-saurus lets out a terrible warcry
Raptor Jesus cowers in fear before the all mighty Allah-saurus.
Christians flee in terror.
by rzhhhh August 25, 2009
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to make stuff up

An activity of the mind anyone can indulge in.
It is the act of simply constructing an entertaining story or otherwise for the amusement of yourself and/or your peers.
It is essentially an elongated White Lie in story mode.

For increased effectiveness the teller is required to have excessive creativity and/or a good imagination

Making stuff up usually serves to occupy the brain of the subject when he/she has nothing better to do with their time and has grown tired of using their creative side and/or imaginative ability to construct a realm where having everlasting hot sex with Eva Longoria, kinky pornstar sex with Priya Rai or even a mixture of both with some other super gorgeous lady, is a possibility, since those things can only happen outside the realm of reality.
Try it.
A: Hey man, how was your weekend?

B: Me n the boyz went out Saturday night to some party, tits n booze everywhere!
Think I took some Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, next thing I knew I woke up outside next to a naked Lara Croft

A: Man, I know when you make stuff up,
so let me rephrase my question:
How was your weekend, REALLY?

B: Damn, well...
by rzhhhh May 6, 2010
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the Waltz - noun
to Waltz - verb

1. A dance.

A type of ballroom dance, performed in closed position.
Is usually a slow dance, though some types can be performed to faster paced music.
Characterized by gliding movements.
This dance is very old and pre-dates the 1600's

If you perform the Waltz with your partner (or friend) then one of the following is likely to be the case:
- You are of high class
- You are extremely rich
- You and your partner are very much in love
- You and your friend are making other people jealous
- If you are a woman; You are dancing with a gentleman
- If you are a man; You are dancing with a lady

2. A form of music

3. In alternate verb form, to walk around the place as if you own it (bonus points if you do actually own it).
People will think you are a prick if you do this, which is all the more reason to do it.
1. It's a dance. No examples here....

2. The following songs are 20th Century Waltzes:
- Friends and Lovers (Both to Each Other)
- At This Moment
- Three Times a Lady

- Take It to the Limit
- Time in a Bottle
Look em up

A: Look at that fucking cunt Waltzing around like he owns the place!
B: What a twat, sucks even more how he does actually own this place!

A&B continue to be pissed off for hours on end.
by rzhhhh August 25, 2009
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I'm sick of my life - phrase/colloquialism

While the phrase may give the impression that the speaker is, possibly, suicidal; this is not actually the case.
One uses this phrase to express ones extreme displeasure with a given situation.
The situation could be going out somewhere or with someone one would consider unpleasant, working on something or with someone unpleasant and so on...
This phrase is generally heard in Northern England, commonly in the Newcastle area. One may hear it on Geordie Shore.

I'm sick of me life
Am sick of me life
Sick of me life, me
Have got to go to work wi Holly.
Wouldn't want to spend 5mins in a room wi her never mind work.
I'm sick of my life
by rzhhhh February 26, 2012
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