663 definitions by ryan

A town in Massachusetts that is "special", filled with old people and stupid skater kids who dress like they are black. Home to the shittiest school district in the world.
Kid - You live in Mattapoisett
Kid - That Sucks
by ryan April 2, 2005
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Derivative from the act of "throwing salt" on one's game, any case in which one might deprecate another and embarrasingly so.
"Quit throwing S-A-L-T all over my G-A-M-E!"
by ryan March 4, 2005
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Defined originall by a small town swim team, molo came to be the worst insult possible. Roughly translates to "a chach who can't get his head out of his dick stretched anus."
You molo.
He's such a molo.
by ryan December 10, 2004
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A egotistical bi*ch that needs to keep her nose out of other peoples business.
Haha, stop acting like Kaity!
by ryan March 16, 2005
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A term a computer geek may use to describe his penis in a limp state.
I have a 1.44 MB floppy drive, but when I saw you, it turned into a 3 GB hard drive.
by ryan July 29, 2003
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What music should sound like
Awesome.....The way that it can be hardcore of just soft melodies,....
by ryan December 23, 2004
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Function: noun/verb

1. to suck
2. to be objectionable or inadequate
3. awful
1. Shiz..that lastserenades to hit the rail that hard.

2. I would have had that guy if I wasn't so lastserenade.

3. Wow, that was really lastserenade of me.
by ryan February 11, 2004
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