663 definitions by ryan

an alias for one luke hansen, often the focus of such phrases as "if you wanted you could seduce a nun into bed" and "if you wanted too, you could seduce GODZILLA into bed"
so i was talking to eggjob, and he was like

eggjob: ....nobody but us is ever going to read this
by ryan July 23, 2004
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Fixing to (do) something

-->Fixin' ta ---> Fina
by ryan June 14, 2006
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Teacher: Why havnt you done your homework
Girl: I have
T: No you havnt
G: Yeahbutnobutyeahbutno
G:what it is right is *speaks really fast*
G: Yeahbutno
by ryan August 17, 2004
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The embodiment of absolute coolness.
That guy is soooo synthotron. Look how the ladies want to have sex with him so. I'm sure he is also a very wealthy and powerful individual.
by ryan February 1, 2004
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Owensboro, Kentucky, USA. Apart from the several thousand Pro-Southern Rednecks who are misinformed about what region they live in, Owensboro is a pretty good place to be. It may not be a Chicago, Boston, or Philadelphia, but the town still rocks if you ask me. There are so many beautiful, goregeous girls here and from here as well.
Owensboro has many things to offer to people who come.
by ryan November 6, 2004
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Level 6 Blademaster ability from warcraft 3 (see blizzard).

Very powerful, especially good at killing casters.
Oh shit, that bladestorm just killed 9 shaman and 6 witch doctors!
by ryan November 20, 2004
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hidey is funny and cools.. and is owned by kafwin :(
looks! it's hidey!! *says hi*
by ryan December 23, 2004
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