249 definitions by rperazag

What women, who are too provocative and who love to show too much skin, say when shamelessly playing the whore card.
I'm not trying to be slutty," said Cyrus in a recent interview. "I'm not trying to be like, go to the club and get a bunch of guys."
by rperazag June 16, 2010
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A: "Where were you for the last 3 months? Thought you were death and rottin´"
B: "With my ax... workin´ on the Since I've Been Loving You solo."
A: "Boy, you are so zepped."
by rperazag July 23, 2010
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To follow the "2010 World Cup Football Matches South Africa" by Twitter.
A: "Yo... saw the awesome Ghana — Australia 1-1 match?"
B: "Nope, too busy, but I got the tweets."
A: "C´mon bro, that´s soccer interruptus!"
by rperazag June 19, 2010
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A phrase you say when a friend, who constantly plays the victim, tells you for the millionth time
how miserable is his life, while refusing to see the bright aspects you keep mentioning.
"And then, when I asked my parents for extra money, they refused and instead of that asked me to take the garbage out. Ain´t that cruel?"

I understand you... Better Put A Blanket Around Those Chickens!
by rperazag May 19, 2010
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Drugs and debauchery in today´s professional kitchens.
Chefs getting high on marijuana.
Also known as haute stoner cuisine.
Restaurants created specially for the tastes of the slightly stoned chef.
"What an astonishing flavour! I must congratulate the chef; so creative"

Yeah, he must be deep into Marijuana Kitchen Culture.
by rperazag May 20, 2010
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What Adam would tweet to God from the Garden of Eden.
@God OMY! I´m naked! Tweet sent to God by Adam about his nakedness.
by rperazag May 25, 2010
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What Adam would tweet to God from the Garden of Eden.
@God OMY! I´m naked! Tweet sent to God by Adam about his nakedness.
by rperazag May 25, 2010
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