27 definitions by roxy

someone who thinks they may be bisexual but has not taken part in acts of same sex so cannot be labelled bisexual
I haven't had sex with a girl but I find them attractive so I'm bicurious
by roxy November 2, 2005
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To do something obscene or kinky that isnt able to be said delicately.
by roxy August 3, 2004
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"Skunt" was introduced into this world by a wise man named Viktor (a.k.a bloodbath) While under the influence one night.

"skunt" is the combination of Skank and Cunt
"Stop skunting up my sheets"

"Dont be such a mothing fucking skunt"

To add a little "spice" to your insult, Use "skunt fuck" in a sentence.
by roxy August 6, 2004
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Also known as Green Day Fix, originated when me and Rory realised we couldn't get enough of the American Idiot's albumn and were becoming addicted. Therfore everyday we need our Green Day fix to keep us alive and semi on the ball. The day has not begun until I have my Green Day hit.
Me: Woah dude, i haven't had my Green Day Hit.
R:Yeah me neither, better have it.
Me:Ahhh, thats better...
by roxy February 2, 2005
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Person who snorts all availble blow in one night.
Yesterday I asked Perry Henke where my blow was. He said "I snorted it all". I said "Perry, you fucking cokie monster.
by roxy April 27, 2003
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1.Of, relating to, or located in a city.

2.Characteristic of the city or city life.
Self explainitory...
by roxy September 20, 2003
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