22 definitions by rollercoasterkid

Where you haven't gotten any ass for at least 10 years
Guy 1: YO dawg, how much of that booty r u gettin?

Guy 2: I havent gotton that shit since i can remember, I am in a "Booty Poverty".
by rollercoasterkid April 9, 2010
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Booty obviously is a drug... and with all drugs you can overdose.
Yo man, pete died yesterday.
"Booty Overdose"
by rollercoasterkid April 13, 2010
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Is where you get not alot of booty and you are craving some more.
Guy 1: YO dawg, how much of that booty r u gettin?

Guy 2: Not to much man, I'm "Booty Hungry"
by rollercoasterkid April 9, 2010
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Where you are about to get a blowjob and when you don't realize it the girl fills her mouth with hot sauce....

What happened man????

She gave me a "red hot chilli
by rollercoasterkid April 17, 2010
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Where a guy's dick is extremely hard but short.
Hey Brenda, how was Jake last night?

Pretty good, except he had a "Crunchy Muffin" HAHAHAHA

by rollercoasterkid April 14, 2010
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During sex, the male is extremely short and the girl is having a screaming orgasm
Hey wee man!

Hey dude.


Just gave this hot chick a "Screaming Goblin"

by rollercoasterkid April 14, 2010
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