10 definitions by robby

beast things that live in space that come down to fuck earth girls cuz they cant get action in space
alien:our alien girls r ugly beast with balls earth girls r hot lets go down n get some earth action
by robby April 3, 2005
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a substance which is legal in the united states, yet more dangerous than marijauna which is illegal.
alcohol is a pussy drug
by robby January 2, 2005
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Tri-Sexual is the sexual preference of Males, Females and animals.
I would screw the cat but im not a Trisexual.
by robby October 17, 2004
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Embarrassment or utter humiliation following from words or actions expressed under the influence of a chemical or substance.
He woke up in the biggest pit of shame, he got wasted and tried to fight his girlfriend.

On Saturday morning i woke up in a pit of shame because I realized I puked all over the bathroom.
by robby December 22, 2003
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Shooting such a good swish that the basketball upon hitting the ground has enough spin from the net to comes back to you.
And for the 342nd straight time Robby is Net Dangerous.
by robby January 3, 2005
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A big purse that usually grandma's have but I have recently seen them on young ladies.
Ryann (sophmore) has a grandma purse.
by robby March 2, 2004
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