8 definitions by riga1tony

1) An arbitrary declaration or description of a noun, usually an event or a women, in order to give no further information.

2) A scale by which to describe something that in no way involves numbers in any way.

John: Yo, look at that chick.
Paul: Ehh, she's like a 5 at best.
John: Whatever man, she's at least a 7.

Anthony: So on a Scale of 1 to 10 how was your day?
Jackie: On a scale of 1 to 10, it was pretty awesome.
Anthony: That made absolutely no sense. But I like it.
by riga1tony May 22, 2009
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Songs sung by people who think they are either cool, or think that they are cool because they aren't cool. These songs are usually sung by members of a High School Choir, Band, or Orchestra.
fag Songs Include (But are not limited to)
Piano Man by Billie Joel
The Day the Music Died by Don McClean
and just about any Journey song, especially:
Don't Stop Believing
by riga1tony June 13, 2009
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When you look at all of your old comments/pictures on MySpace and Facebook and see how your friends used to act and treat you.
I was having a fight with my boyfriend and then I went on facebook and found a picture of us from 3 years ago and read how hot he thought I looked in that bikini. Thanks to that e-blast from the past we're happier than ever.
by riga1tony April 2, 2010
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I'm So High Right Now, used to describe one's state after the consumption of too much weed.
Robert: Dude come on we're gonna go to the movies.
Jack: I can't.
Robert: Fine dude, what do you want to do?
Jack: Nothing.
Robert: You know what don't be such a fag, we're going to the movie. -leaves-
Jack: Oh my god, ishrn.
by riga1tony July 11, 2011
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Sex between a straight man, and a "newly" homosexual man.
What you just came out of the closet? Well I will tell my girlfriend we're having bitt sex, she won't mind.
by riga1tony March 21, 2009
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When you, or a group of people, go so hard that you transcend hardness and there is nothing else to describe you as.
What? You just fucked 9 bitches at the same time while doing four lines and playing Through The Fire And The Flames on expert?.... You're Diamonds....You are fucking Diamonds......
by riga1tony July 28, 2009
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When you tend to hit enter after each word in an Instant Message conversation for no apparent reason.
Lauren: So
Lauren: Today was
Lauren: like so

Lauren: much fun
Lauren: I can't
Lauren: believe
Lauren: we got all that
Lauren: done
Lauren: so fast.
Lauren: It's really
Lauren: Unbelievable.
Anthony: Yeah, nice, thanks for blurtIMing me homo, that was a really easy story to follow
by riga1tony May 18, 2009
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