36 definitions by richie

Something that is very new and enjoyable to listen too.
That new Sean Paul song is fire!
by richie October 12, 2004
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Descriptive noun. Drunk. Describes the ability of the drunkard to shit through the eye of a needle.
I could shit through the eye of a needle, I was that rat-arsed.
by richie December 11, 2003
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When a worthy dame manipulates your nut-sack with her tongue and lips.
by richie January 27, 2004
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when receiving oral sex from a woman and she vomits because she began to gag
Geeze Sam, can't you find a clean woman that wont bloaf all over you during sex
by richie July 29, 2004
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1.Ohzza Nozza is a phrase, when things surprise you, or perhaps, just when things take a turn for the worst.

2. Ohzza Nozza is used, when say, you lose a match of something, or perhaps, when you see a ugly/stupid/weird person, you point and say it.
"Guess what.. Bad news.."
by richie February 24, 2004
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A contraction of the phrase ' So extremely, unthinkable, gargantuianly, big '
His ego was sobig.
by richie August 27, 2003
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Formal term meaning: to move with unhindered grace around an area with the presence of another enjoying the same activity.

Urban term: Humping someone in public

Sad world isn't it.
Cinderlla went (formal) dancing.
Jenny and I were (urban) dancing all night at the club, then more at her house.
by richie August 30, 2003
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