25 definitions by rfrsiopgjdog

When software contains an overabundance of glitches. This term is frequently used to describe video games which developers released too early that are plagued by many bugs and game breaking glitches.
Sonic Boom Ryse of Lyric is a total glitchfest.
by rfrsiopgjdog January 4, 2015
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A server which enables you to browse the internet privately under a different IP Address. It basically emulates you browsing the web on a different computer hooked up to a different internet connection. Due to proxy servers being remote and possibly far away from you, they are usually slow or slower than your normal internet speed. Using a proxy server does not mean that your computer does not record your internet history, which will have to be cleared by you manually. Also, see proxy server.
1) You are advised to use a proxy server when you're browsing porn or performing illegal online activities because it makes you anonymous, decreasing the chance of you being identified.

2) Because Urban Dictionary determines whether you've liked a definition based on your IP Address, you can use proxy servers to like your own posts or like posts multiple times.
by rfrsiopgjdog February 8, 2015
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A website full of user-created how-to's that are either completely inaccurate or stupid.
These are typical wikiHow articles: How to Use the Urban Dictionary (actually exists), How to Search Google (real), etc.
by rfrsiopgjdog April 28, 2015
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A collaborative how-to website which is written by completely random people. You can write and edit articles, even without logging in. The majority of its population are obviously 10 year olds who have no idea how to write. The owners of the website actually profit off of the volunteer work by WikiHow's users which is pretty messed up. The authors at WikiHow must think that everyone is a total idiot because the articles they write are designed retards that have no idea what they're doing. Vandals and trolls are common and will probably delete your article or replace its contents with something inappropriate if they come across it.
Typical WikiHow article: How to visit Google Search engine.

1. Open your internet browser.
*Click the Start button.
*Click All Programs.
*Select the menu item associated with your internet browser.
2. Type the Google url into your address bar (located at the top of the browser's window).
*Press G on your keyboard.
*Press O on your keyboard.
*Press O on your keyboard.
*Press G on your keyboard.
*Press L on your keyboard.
*Press E on your keyboard.
*Press the period button on your keyboard.
*Press C on your keyboard.
*Press O on your keyboard.
*Press M on your keyboard.
3. Load Google.
*Press Enter on your keyboard.
by rfrsiopgjdog February 10, 2015
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