25 definitions by rfrsiopgjdog

An app that you compete with other players on by answering random questions. Basically, you click a button and hope for the correct answer. In the game, you spin a wheel and what it lands on determines what category the question will be in. A random question is chosen from the category and you'll have to answer it. Once you answer, the opponent will be able to spin the wheel and answer, and so on. On an Android, if you spin the wheel, return to the main menu by clicking the back button on the Android navigation bar, then return to the game you were in, you'll be able to spin again. When you spin again, it lands on the same thing it landed on the first time you spun, no matter how many times you do this process. This might mean that the game is rigged and what category the wheel lands on is pre-determined.
Steps to be a pro in Trivia Crack:
1. Click random buttons.
2. Hope you got the right answer.
by rfrsiopgjdog March 23, 2015
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In technological terms, the event of a device, program, etc failing to respond to your actions, usually due to an error.
Freeze Example: As I was typing the final words of my college essay, Microsoft Word froze forcing me to close it and I lost all of my progress.
by rfrsiopgjdog January 12, 2015
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An "Australian"-style "steak house" which is horribly overpriced. When you enter, they're usually packed, so you'll have to wait 1 hour until somebody leaves and frees up a table, all the while starving to death. Once you actually manage to reserve a table, don't be surprised to find that the restaurant's staff have forgotten to clean it. Next, you'll have to wait another 15 minutes until a waiter/waitress can attend to you. The Outback Steakhouse sports a large, varied menu, including disgusting, dry or undercooked steaks, various beverages (aka alcohol), skimpy salads, expensive desserts and other foods which aren't Australian. There are also sides of cheesy fries which are admittedly pretty good. After taking your order, you'll have to wait another 40 minutes for your order to arrive, whether it be salad or a steak, because the workers are lazy and don't give a crap as long as you leave them a tip. Once your order arrives, enjoy it, yada yada yada. Fortunately, if you get food stuck between your teeth, there is a toothpick dispenser near the door (which will most likely be empty). That's the Outback Steakhouse in a nutshell.
Too lazy to cook yourself? Come to the Outback Steakhouse and buy our $100 steaks!
by rfrsiopgjdog February 9, 2015
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Background: Animal Crossing is a video game where you live in a town with other villagers and can interact with them in various ways such as talking or giving gifts.

A dreamie is an Animal Crossing villager that a person really likes. They either have them in their town already and adore them, or wish that their Dreamie would move into their town.

Some people go on searches for their Dreamies, buy their Amiibo card to obtain them in the game, or pay/trade with other players to get their dreamie.
My dreamie is Apollo the eagle! I will put dog poop in a bag and light it on fire to put in front of anybody's house if they insult Apollo.
by rfrsiopgjdog January 9, 2022
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A type of website that you should avoid at all costs. Signs of a Yahoo! website include willingly letting the NSA mass-search for keywords in emails, whereas Microsoft, out of all companies, will put up a fight, knowing of a hack for 2 years before letting their users know, bombarding users with advertisements and news articles about Kim Kardashian, having writers who don't know how to spell, making sure that the timing for everything to go wrong is just right, e.g. admitting about a hack as soon was Verizon is about to buy them, putting product placements in movies in the most awkward and conspicuous manners e.g. the Inspector Gadget movie, having a terrible search engine and toolbars that change your search engine to theirs, and stealing other websites' content.
by rfrsiopgjdog October 5, 2016
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The made up language of dogs that can be found on YouTube videos, Tiktoks, etc. Text is added to a video of a dog to pretend the dog is thinking or saying those sentences/words. It is often silly or broken English, with some unique words/phrases like "oh fluff", "chimkun" or "fluff my life".
Speaking dogish: Yum yum, chimkun, thank you!

Example channels: Hachi the Husky, Keyush the stunt dog, Jade GSD
by rfrsiopgjdog June 26, 2022
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Have you seen the videos where somebody's doing donuts in a parking lot with their car and manages to hit the light pole?

Poled dork is a joke nickname for those people and a dumb parody of the word pulled pork, a kind of food.
Hello YouTube, today I'll show you how to become a poled dork. First step, go to Walmart with your muscle car. Next step, locate appropriate light pole.

Now you are ready. Do donuts and aim for the light pole. Screw up your car to become the ultimate poled dork
by rfrsiopgjdog September 12, 2023
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