5 definitions by ranga

most possibly the grossest looking animal in the history of the world it has no hair and is all wrinkly
person 1 : oh my god what is that it looks like the devil has come from hell arrrghhh!!!!!!!!
person 2 : nah it's just a naked mole rat
by ranga August 10, 2006
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WhEn a person rubs another persons private parts through there clothes.
Oh man did you see that chick crumbing that guy at soccer today!!
by ranga May 27, 2012
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music spelt wrong when typing in a hurry
person 1 : im going to go listen to some mjsic
person 2 : your need to get some spelling lessons you sped!!!
by ranga August 6, 2006
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someone who was born with gods greatest gift, red hair if they're lucky the will also have freckles and very very pale skin
person 1: wow dude look at that ranga
person 2: that is the coolest thing i have ever seen it's made my day
by ranga July 23, 2006
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