15 definitions by random_boiz

pneu mono ultra microscopic silico volcano coniosis
noo muh now uhl truh mai kruh skaa puhk si luh kow vaal kei now kow nee ow suhs
pneu mo no ul tra mi cro sco pic si li co vol ca no co ni o sis
by random_boiz October 25, 2020
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the perfect word for the ad below
get a stupid mug for yo mama bob
by random_boiz November 2, 2020
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Trump Lung
An appropriate nickname for CoViD-19, aka the novel coronavirus that has led to a worldwide pandemic. Named after Trump to mark his monumental malfeasance which will result in at least hundreds of thousands of deaths in the U.S.
Bob's in the hospital, he caught a case of Trump Lung.
by Apostle of Carlin April 05, 2020

Get a Trump Lung mug for your barber Bob.
by random_boiz October 26, 2020
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a series of Japanese video games and related media such as trading cards and television programs, featuring cartoon monsters that are captured by players and trained to battle each other.
if you grew up in the '90s you'll remember spending all your time playing Pokémon
by random_boiz October 31, 2020
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