2 definitions by raid1234567

an awesome guy who is good at sports, and super smart. tends to have cool hair. Freds are cute, super super hot amazin in bed a perfect kisser and has a big dick, best friend you will ever have. good at xbox. laughs at almost everything, so great sense of Humor. if you know a Fred then you are lucky
girl 1: omg omg omg, who is that??? he is sooo cute
girl 2: o i don't know, but i'm guessing his name is Fred, i mean who else would be THAT cute
by raid1234567 December 14, 2010
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a really sad canadian who thinks hes popular. tends to be gay and tries to disturb little boys. no dick and has a hairy pussy. also is a huge fan of justin bieber
Boy 1: god bieber sucks
Boy 2: Don't let nathna hear that, or he will try to rape you
Nathan: Thats right, come hear you little 6 year old, i need to rape you
by raid1234567 December 14, 2010
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