14 definitions by rah

A guy who always stands as close as possible to you when at the urinal and who you are sure is sneaking a peak...
My friend John-Roy is a real numpty I caught him checking out the goods...
by rah August 7, 2003
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reference to one who is from a sandy area in the middle east
Damn abu.. quit being a dune coon!
by rah January 4, 2003
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An asshole. In addition, it can mean somebody that likes to have his anal cavitiy filled.
Hey Gandu, how many boys did you hit on today?
by rah December 10, 2003
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the lazy person's word for Ganja.
Dude.. my girlfriend was in a porn and she smokes ganj.. what now!
by rah January 4, 2003
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Basically an updated version of "shooting yourself in the foot" or "fucking yourself over."
Taken from the miserable campaign of Jung-Suk Ryu for city Counsillor in Edmonton, AB.

jungsuker: the individual junsuking oneself.
jungsukery: the act of jungsuking.
"When Jimmy puked at the bar, he totally jungsuked his chances with that that chick."
by rah October 21, 2004
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1. A n00bish, pseudo-science religious theory that advocates that some phenomenon are just too complicated to be explained by science alone, and therefore God, or an intelligent designer must exist.
2. Excrement.
Dude, I made such an intelligent design in the pot this morning!
by rah December 5, 2004
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Damn.. have that bitch serve me a double after I smack her bubble!!
by rah January 16, 2003
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